I am who I am, if you don't like it, well I don't give a shit.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

I don't want shit shoved down my throat.

Now, I am all for every one having their beliefs, and I am not trying to say having religion is bad, it's just DON'T FUCKING TRY TO MAKE ME BELIEVE IN SHIT. I BELIEVE IN WHAT I WANT, I DON'T NEED A CLASS IN GOD 101.

Seriously, I believe in God. That is it. I don't pray, go to church, or worship him. I just believe that he is there. So please, don't try and preach me the ways of the lord. Don't fucking give me a lesson saying God, Jesus and the "Holy Spirit" are the same person/thing. I don't give a damn. In my mind, God is Gos, Jesus is his son and the "Holy Spirit" is this weird mist thing. And that is how it will stay for me.

I don't want you trying to get me to go to church. I don't want you to tell me the tale of Adam and Eve. I DON'T NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE FUCKING GIVING TREE. I just want to live my life, and be free with how I feel about this world.

And okay, in class the other day, my friends and I - 2 are like me, and 1 doesn't believe in any religion - were making fun of religion, and how some people pray. I don't mean to be racist here, but you know how usually black church go-ers say the whole " CHANT CHANT CHANT NOW GIVE ME A HALLELUJAH!" Well, we kept saying stuff like that, and every one else in my class are like huge church people, and they were all pissed.

I could care less. If they want to get mad at me for believing in what I believe, and joking around that way I like, then the next time they start talking about how God is the leader of every thing, I'm going to go all bitchy against them.

P.S - In this post, I was trying to offend any one and there beliefs and I wasn't trying to make fun of any one while I was saying that stuff, we just thought it was funny how they get so excited. In fact, I actually find some of the religious stories cool, but again, please don't force me to believe in what you believe in. If you are right, why are there so many other religions with different stories and different Gods? Suck on that for a while. Bitch

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