I am who I am, if you don't like it, well I don't give a shit.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

I hate this.

I hate not ranting about things, because well, I'm the official mother fucking ranter! But, I owe my followers/readers this. Hold on for the ride, shits about to get real.

Thank you to every one who reads my blog and follows it. When I first started this, I didn't think any one would read it, let alone that it'd have followers. It means a lot to me that people like my stuff, and I try to check out your guys' blogs and follow the ones that I like.

Also, I am sorry about the lacking in posts. I know that when I first started this, I posted waaay more. But I also had waaay more free time, because well.. I started it when I had a week off of school.

I try to post as much as I can. It also sucks because I still don't have word on my laptop. It's still being fixed, but they told me it would be 2-3 weeks, and it's already been 2-ish, so cross your fingers :)

But yeah, thank you for all the followers and views. I appreciate it.

P.S - I got an email from some one saying that I spell words differently. Like "colour"/"realise" etc. I am Canadian, and that is how we FUCKING SPELL WORDS. I don't have some issue with letters. Fuck off.

Sunday 22 April 2012

The Bitches at the Bus Stop

Last year I was in grade 7, and 12-13 years old. This year I am in grade 8 and I am 13, soon to be 14. In just one short year, I feel as though I have matured at such a rapid pace, and because of that, all the people a year younger than me look like fucking retarded douche bags. The grade sevens at my school this year are fucking annoying little pisser offers and should all burn in hell.

When I was in grade seven, sure I felt superior, I mean, it was my first year in middle school and I felt cool. But did I act on it? No. I knew that I was at the bottom of the food chain, and I accepted it. The first few of my months there, I ate on the ground next to the library, until about December, when I realised that it's okay if I want to eat at a table. My group of friends and I claimed a table that no one else sat at, and we squished all of our  big asses on it so we didn't need more than one table.

See? We knew our place, and we lived with it. Not once did we complain, not even when the grade nines thought that it'd be funny to run through our hallway and start a major traffic jam, where I got trampled. Not a single moan or groan escaped our mouths. I more than earned my right in the food chain this year, but what happens when us grade eights come back to finally live freely, and soon take on the role as top dog? The fucking grade sevens think they own all shit!

They run through the forbidden hallways of the grade eights and nines. They are loud and screaming and fucking little pricks. A group of them stole my groups fucking lunch table, so we had to find a new one. That really upset me, because I carved my initials where I always sat at that table. The worst part is, they think that are the fucking shit.

I don't really need to explain that, you all know how people are when they think they are fucking kings of us all.

Now for the bitches at my bus stop.

There is about 5 grade sevens who take my bus (city), and a lot of the times they have a little friend waiting with them. Add that up, and it's hell for me. Out of those some odd 10 kids, I like one. And even she pisses me off beyond belief.

The girls sit at the top of the mail-box yelling and screaming. The boys throw grass at each other, often hitting me. They all run around attacking each other, and they also rub against me, bump in to me or yell in my ear.

One quick thing you should know about me before I go on. I have a form of anxiety - not been confirmed yet, but I think I have it :) - and when it's loud, and I can't hear myself think, I start to get stressed. When it gets like this, I scratch my arm, as if I had a rash or something. Also, I can't stand people touching me, it's even worse when they brush up against me repeatedly. Add those two things together, and you have a very pissed off Siobhan.

None of this compares to that one boy... That one fucking boy is going to have his ass handed to him one day.

Here is a conversation he had with one friend::

Friend: Hey bro, do you have my 5 dollars?
Douche: Da fuck?
F: Last night, you said that you were going to give me $5 if I hugged Lisa
Douche: Dude, I was fucking high, you know I don't mean all the shit I saw when I'm high

Really? Really bitch? I fucking hate it when people try to be cool. And the fact that a 12 year old KID is getting high and partying isn't "cool." It's fucked up, and annoying and makes me want to shove a stick up his ass and a knife down his throat.

Another conversation. Same douche, different friend.

Douche: Dude, I made two long boards
F: Sweet
Douche: Yeah. And on one of them I wrote "I love boobs" and on the other "I love vagina"
F: Sweet
Douche: Yeah, my mom was so pissed.

I hate you.

Monday 16 April 2012

Quick little message!

My friend has recently made a blog, and is doing pretty much exactly what I am doing.. Fucking copier. :) Here is a link to his blog : to be added later because I forgot it

And yes... I have a 3rd blog! It's just where I talk about stuff that went on in my day that I felt like sharing. Not really of any importance, so you don't need to check it out. If you want to, it has been put as a link in my side bar.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Not a rant? Oh boy..

Okay, this is one of my very few non-ranting posts. I might do a few of these every year.. Only on very special occasions.

So in one of my posts, I had to of said that I got to the gym. I'm not a crazy person, but I'm sure as hell getting there. If I don't get at least an hour of physical activity a day, I go crazy, often finding myself pacing around my house waiting to do something.

"Go outside for a run" my mom says.

Fuck that shit. I need to be in a place where every one goes to actually work out, or else I feel like the lonely 14 year old with no friends that I am.

Any ways, so I go a lot. I have a routine, and I stick with it. I never add any thing new, or spice it up at all. That is the way I like it. ALWAYS, I start with doing a 3.5 km run, which usually takes about 17 mins. Then I do the rowing machine for 10 mins for a little cooling down time, and afterwards it's the spin cycle bike for 10 mins so give my arms a break. I finish off with doing the treadmill until my dad says that it's time to go.

Well, because of following my routine and never changing, my running has been getting very good. I'm not the only one who has noticed, guess who else noticed. Darryl Fox. Does the last name remind you of a certain Terry Fox? Because it should. Darryl is the brother of the infamous Terry Fox.

My dad met Darryl one day at a pub. Then Darryl moved on my street, later moving away :(. When ever I went for a walk at the river with my mom, guess who we would always run in to? Well now guess who is going to my gym? That is right! The not-so-famous-but-should-be Darryl Fox.

Him and my dad are always running together and all that shit. On Saturday, I was doing my whole routine, and as my dad and I were leaving he turned to me and said:

"Siobhan, Darryl said that your running is looking very good, and when you are working out, man do you looked focused."

Upon hearing this, I thought
'So, an old dude it watching as a young female works out..?'
But then I got out of my scared, pussy stage and realised

I'm very proud.

That isn't all the news that I have to tell you about the Fox family. Oh no.

So, a few months ago, Darryl got called down to what ever hospital Terry was in before he died, because they were cleaning out storage and they had found some of Terry's old x-rays. Well apparently upon looking at it, they realised that Terry had so much cancer in his lungs that there was no way he could have ran 27 miles the day before. He really did the impossible.

ALSO, they found out that when Terry was supposed to be cancer free HE WASN'T. He had cancer the entire time he ran, and every one thought that he was cured.

Dun dun DUHHHH.

Well, I'm tired. Sorry for no ranting. It was weird writing this.

Computer Update: No, my laptop is not fixed, I have just been able to sneak my brothers away from him more often now. We sent my laptop to a computer fixing store at our local mall, and they said that it would be another 2-3 weeks before they could fix it. Just check my blog once a week for a post, I'll probably have some sort of update, or a "coming soon" to give to you.

Friday 6 April 2012

Kerry Campbell "Botox Mom"

Apparently Kerry Campbell, mom talked about in my "Toddlers and Tiaras" post has just recently said that she was lying the entire time. Apparently she made the entire thing up for some money, and when her daughter got taken away from her, she confessed the truth.

Her real name is Sheena Upton, and when she was approached by "The Sun" and was asked to play the role of Kerry Campbell. She said that when she was asked to be in "Good Morning America" and "Insiders Edition" they gave her a script and all was well. Well, until child welfare took her daughter away.

Sheena told her story, and even took her daughter to be medically examined. The doctors said that there is no trace of botox in the healthy 8 year old girl, who isn't even a pageant girl - thank god.

Read more into it here:


Toddlers and Tiaras

This sort of goes hand in hand with my whole "make up" thing.

What the fuck is going on with this world?! These idiotic pageant shows are teaching little girls that 500 inches of make up and only wearing a bra and underwear is alright! It fucking isn't! Is there was way to sue the people that   support and create these so called "pageant shows"? Because if there is a way, I will.

I would like to say, I don't blame the little girls. At all. Even if they are asking to be in these, it isn't their fault, because they grew up in that environment. Guess who's fault it really is? The parents. They are letting their fucking five year old's wear mini-skirts, high heels, belly-tops, so much makeup, and one mom went to the extent of giving her daughter botox. (more on that later) I swear it's some type of child abuse.

Who the fuck would support that and have their daughters be in it!? It is NOT healthy! How the fuck is it good to buy them stripper clothes, paste them with eye liner and throw them on the stage to dance for the people paying them? You, right there, are creating their futures with the pole.The parents are letting their daughters be judged on who their beauty factor before their done with barbies. And we wonder why girls growing up thinking that they need makeup and slutty clothes to be pretty. Open your goddamn eyes, it's your fucking fault!

Isn't it bad enough that they actually have pageants, but to fucking televise it?! First, who the fuck wants to watch toddlers shake their asses so they can win the pageant? I'll tell you: the first half are perverts, looking for their next worthy victim, and the other half are more clinically retarded bitches looking for new ways to slut-up their daughters. Second, how did something like this pass the guidelines for it to be on national television? I thought there was a certain type of thing that could be aired - like porn is blocked unless 18+ - so why are they airing this? I swear to fucking god that it's fucking child abuse, and if it's not, people need to get on that shit.

At least make giving an 8 year old botox illegal, because some people are doing that. A woman named Kerry has been giving her daughter of 8 botox and taking her to get her body waxed. She said that she is doing it so she can be a star by the time that she is a teenager.

“What I am doing for Britney now will help her become a star.
“I know one day she will be a model, actress or singer, and having these treatments now will ensure she stays looking younger and baby-faced for longer."

The fuck? Are you high?! You need to be to do that to your child. She is teaching her child that she isn't good enough with her own looks. What she is teaching her daughter is ridiculous. That's right, little Britney has caught on from this. She checks in the mirror every night for wrinkles, and wants a boob and nose job when she is older. Now for the waxing. She makes her get her legs waxed so she wont have leg hair when she is older. Also, she has a monthly virgin wax so she wont get pubic hair too. Britney says that she likes getting her legs waxed, because when she goes swimming, she doesn't need to worry about having hairy legs. It doesn't stop there. No. Kerry is also going to get Britney's eyebrows waxed and thinking about tattooing a permanent arch-shape and a light pink tattooed lip-liner. 

These people are fucking crazy ass idiots. I feel so bad for their daughters, they deserve better. 

More information on Kerry and Britney? Go here: