I am who I am, if you don't like it, well I don't give a shit.

Thursday 31 May 2012

That Stupid Spider

I'm not sure if I mentioned my best friend, Alex, but the other week or so we decided to have a sleepover. Since I have dogs and a cat, and she is allergic to animal fur, we needed to sleep outside on my trampoline. When we do this, we usually spend the majority of the night inside - so we can actually hang out - and when we get tired, or Alex gets sick, we go outside.

For the first part of the night we played my "The Office Trivia Game" and afterwards started to watch "500 Days of Summer". After about 30 minutes, we left to watch the rest of the movie outside on her laptop. So I began to prepare.

I gathered 50 blankets, 30 pillows, my laptop, a sweater, sweat pants, my phone and my ipod. Just to name a few.

Once we had every thing that we needed, we went out the back door and walked across the poo mine-field that is my backyard. After trying to get on the trampoline for 5 minutes, I was finally able to hoist my fat ass up, along with all my stuff.

It took us a while to get out bed ready, but finally we were finished and it was time to party. And by that I mean watch the movie quietly and try not to make the very old trampoline creek.

We were all comfy cosy in our little bed, watching the very beautiful Zoey Deschanel, and it seemed to be the perfect end for the day. SEEMED. I felt what seemed like a strand of hair tickling my arm, picked it off and buried myself farther into my blanket, leaving that one arm out.

Again, I felt the strand of hair and I was getting a little freaked out. I picked it off again and scooted towards Alex for comfort. (Because being close to someone always makes me feel better) All was well, nice and dandy. Then...



I shrieked silently and ninja jumped over Alex without hitting her or her laptop. Once I finished rolling around on the trampoline to make sure the spider wasn't on me, I explained to Alex what had happened and forced her to shake out every blanket.

That was finished, and there was no sight of the little beast. We weren't going to risk sleeping on the trampoline, so we got everything that we thought was "safe" and scurried up the steps onto my deck. I was fumbling with the door knob, while carrying millions of blankets and pillows that may or may not have had the spider in them. You can probably sense my panic.

The door was almost open and Alex had to go and say "Is that the spider?!", pointing to my blanket. I dropped everything and ran to the table, where I safely put my laptop. Well it was safe, until it fell probably waking up the entire neighbourhood.

We composed ourselves from laughing so hard, grabbed every thing, threw it all inside and rolled around on the ground "to be safe". When we declared that we were now calm, we decided that it was best to go to Alex's house and sleep in her guest bedroom. I left my parents a note and we were on our way.

We figure that the "strand of hair" was the spider 'webbing' on me. skfhsajdfhfhjkahfkjhfkjdhfaf sooooo gross. Also, the "spider" that was "on my blanket" (on the deck) was a piece of fluff. Thank you Alex.

I was too scared to use my favourite blanket for a week, and then some. Fucking spider.

p.s those pictures are the closest ones that I could find to the real spider. Enjoy.

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