I am who I am, if you don't like it, well I don't give a shit.

Wednesday 20 June 2012


Have I made a post about this before? I'm not too sure, because well it's been fucking forever since I've made a blog post. Sorry about that btw.

I fucking hate bullies. They are douche bags who tear other people down for their own self esteem, and that is just horrible. Watching movies, seeing it for real life, reading about it or hearing about it from a friend. However the story came into my life, when I hear about someone getting bullied, I feel like crying.

In my personal opinion, it doesn't bother me when it's a boy bullying a girl. For most cases someone will beat the living shit out of him, and if they don't I fucking will. And when it's girls bullying girls, they usually tell someone; a parent, friend, teacher etc, and get it taken care of. No, the worst of all bullying, is when it's boys doing it to another boy.

It's a pack of hungry wolves feasting on a little bunny, and it's fucking horrible. What's even worse is when they are eating alone at lunch. For some reason, when I see a guy eating alone somewhere, my eyes get watery and I want to scream.. It's just so sad.

On Youtube I was surfing for videos about bullying after making my own for an english project, and I came across a very good one. Though it is long, it's still so sad, and of course the first fucking scene is the kid eating alone. :((((


Today, we had our end of the year assembly, and since it was the last day of school, the grade nines were being total douche bags. They were setting off stink bombs, throwing streamers and water balloons. I don't care about that, I mean let them be stupid, it's their last day. What bothered me was how some of the older kids think they are the shit.

Just because you are a year older - and some of you, only a few fucking months - doesn't mean you are cooler than us. Just because you make people sad or feel stupid for a laugh doesn't mean you are cooler than us.

My friend Paramon and I were sitting next to each other, and behind us were some of the grade nines. About 30 minutes into it, Paramon turned around and said
"Stop it!" in a very angry voice. I turned around, and it was the very funny guy I just met. Of course he was being a douche. I didn't really think anything of it, and zoned out again. But a few minutes later I heard
"Seriously, STOP!"

This continued on, and Paramon was getting angrier and the "bully" was getting worse and worse. Apparently he was constantly tapping Paramon with his foot, poking him and hitting him. When Paramon would get mad, he would say
"It wasn't me"

Being the amazing friend that I am, I turned my head so I could make sure that he wouldn't do it any more, without being obvious. When I saw his foot sliding closer, I grabbed it and shook my head. Then there was something about the "bully" telling Paramon that they were going to fight later on, but Paramon didn't want to because he didn't want to get in trouble
Later on they took out the streamers, and started throwing them everywhere. Soon the "bully" grabbed a handful and ripped it up; proceeding with throwing it on Paramon. I would pick it off of him and just go on with my time. But it wouldn't stop. I could tell Paramon was angry, and the look on his face made me want to cry. So I turned around and said
"Grow the fuck up. You think you are so much better than us but you aren't. And he may not punch you in the face, but I have no fear of doing so. Temp me bud, and don't mess with my friends"

It didn't stop him, but things calmed down for the rest of the assembly. What really warmed my heart the entire time this was happening, was that one of the bullies friends was telling him to stop the entire time, and she was actually getting mad.

But I just fucking hate bullies! They aren't cool, they are losers that every one hates. And it's worse when you try to stick up for someone, and they laugh in your face and make you feel stupid for saying anything. I will fucking hurt anyone who tries to tear others down, especially when they make them eat alone! 

And if you see anyone eating alone, go up and sit with them. If you don't, the guilt that stays with you  - or at least me - is enourmous, and you just feel horrible. Bullying needs to stop. If you want to feel really sad and motivated about stopping bullying, go watch the new movie BULLY (or the "bully project")

About my english project. I know that the words in it aren't words we use now a days, but it needed to be school appropriate.

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